Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Tapping Into The Amazing Benefits Of The Internet

Are You Online: Tapping Into The Amazing Benefits Of The Internet
The dawn of the 21st century brought a new means of connection with it – The Internet. This technology has enabled several individuals and businesses to achieve feats that physical boundaries never permitted. It might interest you to know that in the early 90’s, 94% of businesses were conducted in physical premises however today over 50% of transactions are conducted online. These figures reflects the huge impact the internet is having on the way we communicate and transact.
The question is this: Are you ready?
As an individual, as a school, as a business, as a church….are you ready? The world is fast becoming a global village. A place were national boundaries no longer limit the businesses that can be conducted, the information that can be dispersed and the customers that can be reached.
Some have intentionally ignored this technology, some have likened it to a spiritual curse, some have refused to learn the needed skills and some do not have access to it. Whatever the case may be, ensure you are not left out!
A quick look at today’s global business world shows the implication of ignoring the values of the internet. Two huge multinational organisations – (HMV and Blockbusters) have recently collapsed. A key factor that disrupted their businesses were competitions who used online strategies rather than ‘brick and walls’ strategies to reach customers. As business owners or intending entrepreneurs, it’s time to enhance the position of your business by engaging online media.
Education is another sector that has improved immensely through the offerings of the internet. Students and lecturers can access several papers that will enable their research operation and widen their knowledge base. Beyond this, international schools use various internet mediums to communicate lecture details and other relevant information to participating students and stakeholders. Also, students from various institution across the world now do collaborative learning through online mediums. This makes the learning style robust and it exposes participants to different ways of operations.
As individuals, the internet is also key. I have met several people who were able to gain scholarships, get jobs, secure funding and connect with old friends through this platform. If this device is engaged appropriately, users can connect with the right people that are knowledgeable in relevant fields, complements their set skills and share similar interests. The internet removes the restrictions of physical meetings; this allows for more diverse and dynamic ways of converging.
The above features are very great and relevant to us as individuals, businesses and societies. We must therefore take the responsibility to educate and sharpen our skill sets as well as the skill sets of those around us. Business should also survey the means of engaging more with their suppliers, customers and competitors through various platforms offered by the internet. A 2010 statistics released by AN International Telecommunications Union shows that over 43 million Nigerians have access to the internet. This figure supersedes that of Egypt – 12.6 million and Morocco 10.3 million. This is a huge market that existing and new business can harness to their advantage.
Though the internet present huge benefits such as ecommerce, faster communication, information resources, social networking, etc. It also presents some disadvantages that we must be cognisant of. Amongst these are theft of personal information, spamming, virus threats, pornography and social disconnection. I heard about the story of a young girl who invited her close friends for a birthday party in her home. She however posted the address of her home on her facebook page and had over 1000 people stream to her doorstep on the D-day. Frightened, her parents cancelled the party and had to face court charges from neighbours who were disturbed by the incident. This is just a little example of some of the vices that come with the internet.
Further to the above, some individuals have used the internet medium to fraud several users, others have published information that lead to loss of jobs and reputation. These are a few vices that comes with this tool. Wisdom is therefore required in your approach when using the technology. There is a call for all to Be disciplined, Be intentional and Be discreet about its use.
Protect your computers with good antiviral software’s, don’t be fooled by ‘get rich quick’ schemes and choose those you relate with wisely. Parents and Guardians please set up parental controls that will help manage how children use the computer. Employers can also set restrictions on the number or kind of sites their employees can access while at work.
In the light of the above information, Schools should expand the frontiers of the learnings they offer students using online facilities. One of the benefits this will provide is better leverage for international competitiveness amongst the students. Businesses should employ internet platforms that can improve commercial processes and increase distribution channels. Churches should create online plinths that will allow more people across the world access the resources they offer. Individuals should reach out to mentors, coaches and friends that could add value to their lives. Students should research wide using the stage internet offers.
So much has been achieved using the internet….Much more can be accomplished.
Don’t be left out
Joke Fash is a Nigerian Youth in Diaspora and writes from the United Kingdom.

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