Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Be Free from SATIN


Some years ago, while in the University, Samuel came to realize that his University grade of a third class will be a great setback and obstacle in his pursuit of a promising career and big-paying white collar job in any of the multi-national oil companies. Samuel had actually been a very talented lad, he was unarguably “potentialed” with prospect of being an engineer par excellence. However, he has been so seriously unserious with his studies at school, more given to the ephemeral pursuits of campus ludicrous pleasures than burning the midnight candles that were expedient for academic excellence. When the chickens came home to roost, he suddenly realized that he has been sliding on banana peels, with the veil off his eyes and the grim truth bare before him; he realized that his University grades were at rock bottom. He only narrowly passed out, yet a blind man could see that his was a case of a drowning man who finds a billion dollar worth rare diamond pearl at the bottom of the sea, just before he breathes his last. He needed no further speech from the dumb to know that his certificates and grades would be more of no value – or better still, a disadvantaged obstruction to his future career.

Consequently, he heeded the counsel of his bosom friend, Satin, to procure a fake result through a syndicate at the University’s Exams and Records unit. Wow! Samuel couldn’t believe his lucky star when he got a University certificate with a Second Class Upper honor grade during his convocation. This result quickly blew away the dark clouds hovering over his mind vis-à-vis the disadvantaged position he would have been if he had gone ahead in search of a job with the very abysmally woeful TRUE grades of his – a leprous Third Class. (Even though it was indubitable that Samuel had the intellectual wherewithal and expertise to be the best at his chosen field)
Shortly after Samuel and his friend Satin gained a very plum job at an Oil and Gas Multinational company, Samuel received a message from his FRIEND, Satin. He was to perpetually split his salary into two parts. 70% was to be sent monthly to his FRIEND, Satin, while he keeps the remaining 30% to himself – OR ELSE, Satin was to blow the lid off Samuel’s little secret (i.e telling the Company’s management that Samuel had applied with a forged certificate and grades). After much haggling, Samuel was able to keep only just 40% to himself monthly or face the music of EXPOSURE. I guess you would call this BLACKMAIL from his FRIEND, Satin. (oops! Did I just hear you say fiend and not fRiend? FRIEND or FIEND? Samuel had no option but to accept the deal, and was painfully faithful each month – laboring while Satin comes in at the end of the month to pocket a whopping 60% of his salary.

A little after 3 years, Samuel, Satin and a few other colleagues were interviewed for promotion. Fortunately, Samuel received a notification from the CEO that he came first at the result of the interview, while his friend Satin was second. In a twist of fate, Samuel was due for a promotion to a managerial position in the same unit with his friend – even though his friend had been a brighter student with an authentic better grade from the University. While he was jubilitating, his friend (or is it FIEND) was groaning in murderous jealousy and anger. In just another act of BLACKMAIL, Satin prodded Samuel to decline the promotion, a move that would make Satin the recipient of the promotion.
(How so wickedly to see Satin always popping up at every NEXT LEVEL JUNCTION of Samuel's ENTRY POINT to HIGHER GROUNDS of Breakthrough BLESSlNGS, first to share in it but now to completely steal it! 
“oh God, I cannot bear this anymore.” Samuel was so depressed and drained by this blackmail from his friend turned FIEND. Thus, he decided to go all out and confess his misdeeds and crime to the CEO, and thereafter resigned from the job.

Monday morning, Samuel walked into the CEO’s office, brow beaten, downcasted, depressed, repressed and with a defeatist shoulder-slumping and tail-dragging pace. While everyone else was trying to give him well deserved congratulations in advance, for his soon-to-be-announced promotion, Satin walked over to Samuel just before he walked into the CEO’s office, and whispered “Either you do as I say or you get exposed!”.
After some minutes of confession, agonizing tears, regretful apologies, submission of an already written letter of resignation, Samuel tearfully wept and begged on both knees that the CEO don’t report him to the authorities at his Alma Mater as well as the Police department.
Samuel would have expected the worst, but was taken aback when the CEO said “Samuel, I knew about your forged certificates and grades. In fact, I instructed the Personnel Manager to substitute the forged certificates and grades, and in its place we have your authentic University certificates and grades. 
More so, we never employed you based on grades or certification. We were convinced you had the intellectual wherewithal and expertise, and it was upon these platforms you got employed. I have long forgiven you of your transgression, its rather unfortunate you allowed your fiend (FRIEND), Satin(SATAN) to exploit your past. 
As long as we are concerned in this company, Satin (SATAN) has NO EVIDENCE against you. There is therefore NO CONDEMNATION against you. Henceforth, every Satin (SATAN’s) voice that rises against you in blackmail and judgment shall be condemned. 

You have allowed Satin(SATAN) to use your past against you for so long, BREAK FREE from the guilt and burdens of your past. We have burnt and completely destroyed the evidences of your sinfully forged papers. As the CEO of this company, I choose to deal with you based on GRACE. My Mercy has prevailed over judgment. As for your resignation to fate, take back the letter, walk out of this room, go over to Satin(SATAN) and tear it to his face, RESIST him with the TRUTH you now know and he will FLEE from you.
Whatever is in your past, whatever you have done --and the Satins and devil keeps throwing it up in your face (lying, debt, fear, hatred, anger, unforgiveness, bitterness, abortion, fornication and adultery etc.) -- whatever it is, you need to know that God is the CEO of your life. He knew your past, destroyed the power of your past, forgave and forgot your past. There now lies NO EVIDENCE of your past against you.
Unlike Samuel, don’t throw in your resignation letter. Don’t resign from your purpose. Don’t resign from ministry. Don’t resign from doing that which you ought to do in your career, business, academics, relationship or marriage.
Don’t turn down that managerial promotion to your next level of favor, breakthrough and miracles of open doors, healings, marriage, favors and prosperity.
Stop allowing the Satins of Fear, Guilt, Shame, Self-Unforgivness and Self-Condemnation drain you of your full joy, peace, happiness, sleep and rest. Take back all the 60% these Satanic Satins have stolen and forcefully exploited and devoured from you. 

I REBUKE every Satin-like devourer that drains you of anything. 
I SILENCE the voice of every Satin. I SILENCE the voice of that Satan - the chief accuser of the brethren. Their voices of accusations &blackmails is rendered null &void by the Blood of Jesus the Christ- the BLOOD that speaketh BETTER THINGS of Salvation, Restoration, Healing, Miracles, Open Doors & Breakthrough to Overwhelming Prosperity for YOU in Jesus' name. 
The Satins of our lives could be, the devil, guilty conscience, self-unforgiveness, self-condemnation, anxiety, Fear, Guilt, Shame from secret and past sins etc. You must stop being enslaved to these Satins that use your past sins against you.

Just walk into the CEO’s office, and you will obtain MERCY and GRACE and you shall know the TRUTH that will SET YOU FREE right inside that office of the Cross and Blood of Jesus.
I REBUKE every accusing & blackmailing voice of Satins always popping up at every NEXT LEVEL JUNCTION of your ENTRY POINT to HIGHER GROUNDS of Breakthrough BLESSlNGS in Jesus' name. !
All glory to God. Who did I just preach to? Can you reply with atleast an AMEN!

(Excerpted from my Unpublished materials)
Pastor Eruke Taunu (PET)
BB pin 27180891
Twitter : @Pastor_Eruke

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